Om jag var i vita huset
Jag är nöjd med resultatet även om jag inte har samma demoner.

As the captain of the Bartlet Administration's boat, the chief of staff is a work-a-holic. Although he is sometimes haunted by the demons of his past alcohol and drug abuse, because of his character and perserverance there is no one more admired on the staff than he.
Which West Wing character are you?

As the captain of the Bartlet Administration's boat, the chief of staff is a work-a-holic. Although he is sometimes haunted by the demons of his past alcohol and drug abuse, because of his character and perserverance there is no one more admired on the staff than he.
Which West Wing character are you?
Postat av: Cajsa
Gött att du tagit dig fram helskinnad, det gläder mig! Och kul att du skriver på min blogg, även detta gläder mig! =) Ha det gott du!